121 Center Road, Bedford, OH 44146 440.232.9310


BRIDGES is a program which offers therapeutic aftercare services for clients returning to the community. By extending our commitment to our clients we enhance their ability to achieve successful and enduring community re-entry. Through the BRIDGES program clients and their families will receive community based therapy and case management services through Safely Home.  The child and family will continue working with the same therapist they have had.  This allows for the continuation of the level of trust they established while in placement, and reducing the need for an additional transition at the time of community re-entry.

Enrollment in the BRIDGES means:

  • Families will continue to work with the same therapists with whom they have already developed a working relationship.
  • Families will avoid, “starting over” in therapy with a therapist who is unfamiliar with their history and current functioning.
  • Families will be able to look forward and build on gains already made rather than “re-hash” old problems for a new clinician. If there is a need to transition into a more community-based support program, the Bridges therapist will assist the family with the referral and enrollment process, often attending the first session or two, to make the transfer of services as seamless as possible.
  • The stress of transitioning therapists will not be added to the stressors families face as their child’s re-entry into their home and the community.

The BRIDGES program is designed to offer high-quality therapeutic services in a flexible and cost effective manner.